Dhyana: The Meditating Buddha

Carved out of wood, the sculpture of Buddha reflects enlightenment. In its spiritual poise lies the magic of craftsmanship found in Odisha, located in the east of India. With abundance of structural and sculptural efficacy, the region knows it history well. Inspiration abounds here, with design marvels like the Jagannatha Temple in Puri and the Sun Temple in Konark. The ingenuity that has passed on from generations is obvious in this sculpture -- Buddha in Dhyani Mudra, Sanskrit for the gesture of meditation. Wisdom is the central theme with the circle behind Buddha?s head indirectly affecting conscious thought to symbolize the awakening of the soul.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.

Dimension 36" x 36" x 4.5" inches
Suggested Placement In the living room or in the meditation room or on the main door
Medium Wood
Culture India
Weight4.5 kg
PriceRs. 48,000
Product Codeackbwwbdmw-10

Category: Woodwork

Type: Woodcraft

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