Rs. 1,960
In Hindu tradition, it is often believed that anything that can be perceived by the senses can be controlled. With our five senses, we perceive the world around us. But celestial beings, in all the infinite senses, are able to perceive so much more. For instance, we see seven colours, but it is now known that light waves exist beyond the spectrum of what we can see with our eyes. Likewise, a God with his face turned towards the universe (Viswamukha) can see everything, and therefore has mastery over everything- every being and every atom in the universe. In this splendid arecanut creation, the artian gives form to this very idea.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Dimension: 12"x08".
Culture: India.
Medium: Arecanut Leaf.
Suggested Placement: In your living room or meditation hall.
Weight: 400gms.
Product Code: acapallgfh-91.
Rs. 6,500
This pattachitra or painting on canvas using natural colors depict Ganesha the destroyer of obstacles and Lakshmi , the goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity (both material and spiritual) together. Most hindus consider it auspicious to worship goddess Lakshmi and lord Ganesha on the day of Diwali as it is considered that Goddess Lakshmi isits every house and blesses all with wealth.
Rs. 3,250
Ganesha, is one of the most revered deities in sanatana dharma. He is the ruler and the remover of all obstacles and also is the bestower of knowledge (Buddhipriya in Sanskrit). Hence Lord Ganesha is prayed before starting any new journey in life. This sculpture in its grandeur depicts the lord in a sitting position with his trunk turned towards left. The trunk turning left symbolizes moon and the cool power of ida nadi in our psychic body. This also signifies that lord blesses the devotees with the access to the fruit of their work in the material world. The laddu (sweet ball) indicates all material comfort.
Click here to learn why Lord Ganesha is worshipped as Buddhipriya.
Rs. 96,000
Ganesha is a much-loved God in Hindu mythology. The elephant-headed son of Shiva, Ganesha is known for his wit, his compassion and his intellect. The remover of obstacles, Ganesha has been immortalized in various forms of art by skilled craftsmen over the years.
This adroitly crafted sandstone sculpture pays tribute to Ganesha, the patron saint of the arts. The skillful craftsmanship highlights Ganesha's love for sweets, his benevolent nature and also includes his trusted mount, his pet rat.
In all its grandeur, this beautiful sandstone sculpture can be custom made as per your individual requirements. The sculpture is durable and makes a perfect addition to your courtyard or your living room.
Suggested Placement: The main entrance or the corner of your living room or in your courtyard
Note: With respect to size, the statue can be custom made -- hand sculpted over a specific time frame.